About Leadstal

Welcome to LeadStal! We're a passionate group dedicated to enhancing lives worldwide through innovative solutions. Our mission is clear: we're here to simplify and improve by aiding businesses in their growth and customer acquisition efforts.
Who are we? We're a dynamic team of enthusiasts who love to innovate. Our driving force is to enhance your experience. Our mission is to assist you in attracting more customers to your business using our powerful Lead Generation Tools. Recognizing the challenges in finding new customers, we've created something special – the Gmap Scraper, and Instagram Scraper – to lend a hand.
Irrespective of the size of your business, your success is paramount at LeadStal.Join us in embracing the vast possibilities presented by our comprehensive service lineup, and let us together elevate your digital strategy to new heights.


Meet The Team

Together we define LeadStal.

Sagor Al Mamun

Sagor Al Mamun


Anwarul Azim

Anwarul Azim

Co-Founder & Senior Software Developer

Towhidul Hasan

Towhidul Hasan

Front-End Developer

Al Amin

Al Amin Pramanik

Back-End Developer

Nazmul Shishir

Nazmul Shishir

Chief Marketing Officer

Adnan Ali

Md. Adnan Ali

Video Editor

Abu Nayem

Abu Nayem

Video Editor

Redwan Afrid Avin

Redwan Afrid Avin


Popular Blog PostWe Update Everyday


Generate SEO Leads

Today, we will unfold a few tips and tricks on how to generate SEO leads. In this digital era, we are seeing the evolution of advanced technologies and modernization.


Lead Generation Is Important

We all know that “Lead Generation” plays a very crucial part in any business’s growth and exposure. Today, we’ll address why lead generation is important for your business.


Lead Generation For E-commerce

E-commerce refers to the online buying and selling of goods or products through online services or the internet. It is one kind of turning process of selling, buying, manufacturing.