Frizerski salon Neno
Frizerski salon Neno is a top-notch salon located in Zagreb, offering a range of beauty services including hair styling, massage, and manicures. With a team of skilled professionals, they guarantee a personalized experience tailored to your preferences.
» Frizerski salon Neno Business Numbers & Email Addresses:
✎ We have found 0 Email Address & 1 Phone Number to Contact with Frizerski salon Neno.
» Photos of Frizerski salon Neno:

» Services Frizerski salon Neno Offer:
✎ Frizerski salon Neno offers a variety of services to enhance your beauty and well-being.
» Location & Direction:
Frizerski salon Neno is conveniently located in the heart of Zagreb. You can easily find us at Ul. Antuna Bauera 10
Ul. Antuna Bauera 10, 10000, Zagreb» Service Hours:
✎ Below is the table of service hours for Frizerski salon Neno to help you plan.
» Frizerski salon Neno Overview:
Frizerski salon Neno, situated in the vibrant city of Zagreb, is renowned for its exceptional hair and beauty services. Our professional team is dedicated to providing personalized treatments that cater to your unique style and needs. Experience the best in beauty care with a variety of services designed to leave you looking and feeling fabulous.
» Send Latters & Parcels to Frizerski salon Neno:
To send letters or parcels to Frizerski salon Neno, address your items to our physical location. Ensure your correspondence includes all the necessary details for prompt delivery. We welcome postal mail and look forward to receiving your communication at our salon's address.
» Business Highlights:
👉 High customer ratings
👉 Experienced professionals
👉 Central location in Zagreb
» Accepted Payment Methods:
✅ Visa
✅ Mastercard
✅ Cash
» LeadStal Bulk Emails & Phone Numbers Finding Tools:
✎ Here is the list of tools we provide which can help you find bulk contact numbers & Email Addresses from Social Medias, Business Listing Websites & Marketplaces.
» Customer Experiences:
Customers frequently praise Frizerski salon Neno for its exceptional service and friendly staff. Our clients appreciate the personalized care they receive and often return for repeat visits. We encourage new customers to share their experiences and become part of our growing salon community.
Idem u Ivane i curki zadnjih 7 godina. Prvo sam otisla jer mi je bila blizu u kvartu, od tada sam se preselila 4 puta i neovisno o tome u kojem sam kvartu i koliko mi je daleko, samo sam nastavila ici u Lumiere jer mi se nista drugo ne mjeri. Probala sam svakakve high end razvikane salone po centru, al nema do Ivane 🥰 Farbam se u bakrenu i na tjednoj bazi (dok je jos boja svjeza) dobivam pitanja gdje se farbam, da je boja predivna. Preporucila sam ju i nekolicini frendica, skoro sve su dan danas stalni klijenti i zahvalne mi do neba na preporuci ♥️ P.s.: ovo je slika bez ikakvih edita i uredivanja, svjeze nakon bojanja 😍
Svaka preporuka, cure su odlične! Njihov klijent sam preko 4 godine, iako živim na drugom kraju grada. 😀 Uvijek čisto, uredno i posvećene svakoj osobi. Posebne pohvale Maidi koja uvijek napravi onako kako želite, i također predlaže nove ideje ako želite promjenu, a ne znate šta točno želite. 😀❤️
Tople preporuke za ovaj frizerski salon. Djelatnice vrlo ljubazne i uvijek sam zadovoljna frizurom.
» FAQs about Frizerski salon Neno:
✎ Find answers to common questions on the FAQ page of Frizerski salon Neno.
What are the working hours of Frizerski salon Neno?
The salon is open from 07:00 to 20:00 on weekdays and 08:00 to 16:00 on Saturdays.
Is Frizerski salon Neno open on Sundays?
No, the salon is closed on Sundays.
Do I need to make an appointment before visiting?
It's recommended to make an appointment to ensure availability.
Where is Frizerski salon Neno located?
The salon is located at Ul. Antuna Bauera 10, Zagreb.
What services does Frizerski salon Neno offer?
Services include hair styling, massage, manicure, pedicure, and depilation.
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